Five poisons and their antidotes in Entrepreneurship

Every entrepreneur had consumed these antidotes at the end.

Aamir Akhtar
8 min readSep 30, 2018

Entrepreneurship is not as sweet as it looks like , Yeah it look so fancy but it is actually not . Entrepreneurship is actual a sweet pain which allows you to use your mind to the fullest in order create commercial business with your insane and freaky idea. Every successful men do mistakes but the main thing is they keep on correcting their mistakes . What if you don’t correct your mistakes? Definitely you going to die in your own burden of mistakes .Lets look at the health issues of a person , to be healthy you need to take care many things .No body wants to get sick but they unknowingly fall sick and suffer a lot if they don’t consume anti dotes or if don’t ignore harmful stuffs .Similarly entrepreneurship is journey where everybody wants to make their entrepreneurial journey successful without any issues but unknowingly they get trapped in some unwanted mistakes which are minor but impacts a lot in their career just by ignoring them . Entrepreneurship is not all about numbers or sales or profit it is actually a game of psychology where you perception towards your missions will change the game even if the strategies and tactics are made by world best experts. So what are the actual poisons (mistakes) and antidotes (solution) in entrepreneurship .

Before telling you all these let me firstly tell you that the patients of these poisons are newbies , overexcited , overconfident ,arrogant ,less patience people and many more attributes like this which keeps you away from being calm and good listener.So, you might be definitely thinking that no i am not arrogant, i am not newbie , i am not overexcited and overconfident or less patience person right ? every body thinks like that but somewhere they are from inside and these attributes comes out generally at particular moment of situations.

So, all i want to say is whether you are considering yourself with the above mentioned attributes or not but you need to know these horrendous poisons.

Coming to the point what are the poisons (Mistakes) and antidotes (Solutions)

#1 Poison

#1 Poison- Being hypothetical

Being hypothetical :- Being hypothetical is one of the horrible poison in entrepreneurship . Yes imagination will provide you the vision but always relying on the hypothetical thinking will keeps you away from execution and will always criticize you before doing any thing because hypothetical thinking are unplanned and unaware of the realistic error and challenges which is too tough to attain so that’s why when we try to do something or try to execute or implement something we feel like we are not up to the mark as compare to our imagination and we leave that task incomplety their only Because their is huge difference between imagination and execution . Many startups many ideas are failed just because they overthink a lot instead of executing , it doesn’t mean firstly execute. Thinking is good and its necessary but overthinking will only create confusion which is too bad . So, in this way we end up and we spoil our ideas and task being too much hypothetical .

#1 Antidote

Being realistic :- Yes the best anti dotes for being hypothetical is being realistic . If you will be the aware of the real happenings then you could easily control yourself from being hypothetical all the time because being realistic will let you know the ability and capability of you and your idea and also will let you know that where and how to work on your idea or task effectively .

#2 Poison

#2 Poison- Giving up easily

Giving up easily :- Giving up is the common and more dangerous poison in any field not only entrepreneurship . Mostly diving into the entrepreneurship we worry about others opinion and other success rate and start comparing what we are doing with others and at the end we start thinking that we can’t do it because our efforts are not like them. And another reason for giving up is listening to each and every body too much . I am not saying not to listen to anyone , i mean to say that listen to other opinions respect their opinion then analyze your efforts and work accordingly if necessary modify not always .Don’t forget every successful entrepreneur was firstly like you .What matter is your effort your hard work are syncing with your idea and projects or not that’s the more important thing . Doesn’t mean if someone is doing 20 hours of work for their idea you also need same in fact you may have to give less time or may be more .

#2 Antidote

Confidence :- Confidence is the only key solution to giving up . I am again saying being confident is the solution to giving up not over confidence . If you are not confident about your ideas and your efforts then no one could confidently trust/promote it because first of all you need to be confident about it . Confidence will only come when you properly analyze and do research with ideas . Confidence will only come when your ideas have probability of execution if its hypothetical then its of no use.

#3 Poison

#3 Poison- Expecting results too early

Expecting results too early :- When all works and all tactics are working smoothly then sometimes in the beginning we start expecting results of our efforts too early which may lead you to lose your patience and dedication towards your work and passion . This poison will kills all your best-est strategies and planning very quickly you don’t even know because the best work and efforts and all kind of strategies can only be implement if you have patience in your mind . Getting to much aggressive about results will definitely going to destroy whole pyramid .

# 3 Antidote

Patience :- Patience is the world best antidotes works not only in entrepreneurship but also in many aspect of life . So, aspiring entrepreneur always get frustrated just by not getting result when they want because they have micro patience which is the biggest problem , best efforts and hard work gives you fruit only when its implement patiently .

#4 Poison

#4 Poison- Not giving value to the opinion of team members

Not giving value to the opinion of team members :- Dumb people always do this mistake yes their are also many kinds of entrepreneur but officially smart one called as entrepreneur not the dumb one . Dumb one called as dumb just because they don’t listen or value to team members opinion properly they always keep on thinking that what they are doing is only correct that’s why they fail in execution because they don’t know which idea from team member can boost your business or process of execution . So, if you are not listening properly to team members opinion they you are unfortunately dumb one.

#4 Antidote

Being a good listener :- Yes , listening is the best antidotes i have ever experienced in my life because major major problems are solved just because of listening patiently . Listening helps you to get more knowledge and idea of upcoming errors and many solutions to your issues . Listening and after that observing will let you know that how people are observing your ideas and with this you can guess that are your efforts going in right way whatever you have assumed ? Are your planning are right ? people are taking your ideas in the correct way or not the way you have assumed/planned ? So you will get all the clarification related to these question with this antidotes . And i think its the most important thing in entrepreneurial journey .

#5 Poison

#5 Poison- Executing without planning

Executing without planning :- Execution is really very important process in making your idea successful but the thing is that why we fail in execution ? the answers are unplanned strategy and patience . Mostly in competition with other we start executing without planning so that we could win firstly but that winning will give you failure unexpectedly because the base of that particular idea is weak which is unplanned strategies . You will be in huge loss if you focus on coming first rather than being strategic. Their is huge competition in the market but what matters is are you quick in making your strategy .

#6 Antidote

Being strategic :- Being strategic is the key solution to win every game even if it is small or big or its complicated. Losing patience and wanting to win first will definitely makes you lose the opportunity . Mostly entrepreneur get overconfident and starts thinking like they can implement it without planning strategies . You can only skip thinking about planing until and unless you are highly experienced but still you should be habitual of thinking about planning and strategies . If you still have habit to win first then work on increasing the speed in making strategy quickly and effectively .

So, these are all five poisons and antidotes in entrepreneurship .

Final words ,

Entrepreneurship is not as simple as it looks like its a huge game of psychology not only profit, numbers or sales .

As i am interested in motivating people and help in providing legit income methods so i put contents on social media like on instagram you can have look on my page known as entrepreneur_era

And you can get in touch with me through my instagram account known as aamireneur

I hope my content was useful to you.

Thank you

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